The Fraser River Sportfishing Alliance was formed in 2016 in a effort to bring a collective voice for the Public Fishery that is focused on ensuring sustainable fisheries for the future. A comprehensive plan to address the list of concerns and challenges needs to be implemented within an urgent time frame. FRSA is dedicated to providing a collaborative voice and venue to bring solutions forward and being an integral part of building a recovery plan for all sectors.
The leadership of FRSA brings a knowledgeable, committed directorship for the promotion and education of the values and requirements for the public fishery in the province of British Columbia. FRSA has opened the dialogue to include all parties that share and depend on a healthy and sustainable Salmon resource.
The downward trend and declining returns of Salmon and Steelhead are alarming with some stocks at virtual extinction. Many genetically unique runs are in critical or endangered status resulting in serious challenges to balancing the commitments and requirements to the people in this province with diminishing numbers of fish. This is an emergency scenario that needs urgent and drastic measures to avoid expiration of some species.
The Fraser River Sport Fishing Alliance will continue to bring the issues forward in a collaborative and respectful manner that is necessary to create a recovery plan that will protect endangered stocks and increase fish escapements for the future.
FRSA is working to bring creative, forward thinking, and resourceful planning to develop and test selective fishing technologies that will reduce interception of species of concern and allow opportunities on abundant stocks. These opportunities are critical to continue to provide the social and economic values that make up our traditional and historic fisheries. It is up to all sectors to save future fisheries for our respective generations and design fishing methods that with support sustainability and a better future for everyone.
The public fishery is a treasured resource for all British Columbians. It is time to bring realistic solutions to the table and prioritize strategic plans to save our fishing resource for all B.C. residents. It’s time to put the fish first with conservation efforts supported by all and create opportunities resulting from cooperative efforts, resulting in more effective joint management strategies. The FRSA will continue to bring all interested parties, concerned individuals and groups together in a spirit of co-operation that builds trust, respect and understanding. We will continue to work with government agencies and First Nations and Commercial sectors through on-going collaborative processes toward saving this priceless resource for our children and grandchildren.
Please join us today. Future generations are depending on your commitment.
FRSA directors